Creating your own custom twitter background!

Create a Custom Profile Page Background on twitter:

Since the visual impact of your Twitter background is the strongest tool you have available, customize it to give people an eyeful of who you are.

You can make your own image on your computer and upload it under Settings - Design - Change Background Image. The first 200-250 pixels width on the left hand side is a great place to put additional profile information and list websites.

For a quick solution, you can create just the sidebar (250×700) as your background image with “no tile” selected. Then, modify the rest of the Twitter color scheme to complement it. You can use the first 200 pixels from the top for your picture or “header” for a possible logo and tagline.

The rest of the 400-500 vertical pixels should be used to tell others what you’re about and most importantly, what you’re looking for. Are you using Twitter to get business? To gather ideas for a project? To get feedback from customers? This is the best place to reflect your interests and other facets of your professional life if necessary, so that others can see it immediately.

Still not sure about the dimensions? You can use Browser Shots to see what it will look like on different screen sizes and browsers.

For an in-depth look at how to create a custom Twitter background, read the Twitip article - Make a Good Impression with a Custom Twitter Background.

Also check out these resources on Background images”

News via - TwitTip

Here is an option to use multiple flikr images updating every hour so you can have a different one every time some one visits your twitter page! is also a VERY good graphics editing software to work with if you don't have or want to use Photoshop or Gimp.

This is VERY easy even for a beginner with hardly no experience at all, so don't be intimidated give it a shot! Basically all you do is right click on your twitter background view source to find out where the image is hosted. Goto that link, then right click the image save as .jpg, .gif, or .png to your hard drive, then open it in the graphics editor of your choice! Design it how you want it save it again as a .jpg, gif, or .png then upload it back to twitter under twitter settings, Design, Change background image! Thats it! Have fun.

Other helpfull related info:

Techie Buzz article on twitterbacks
Creating twitback in powerpoint tut
One Click premade installs
TwitterStyle Free and paid backs
Crons do it yourself design guidelines
Free PSD templates
Xark nice tut
Using Gimp
Using Photoshop
Dan Hollings
Gimp for Windows
Portable Gimp

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