by Jon Roussel
What is RSS?
RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’. Basically, RSS allows you to directly deliver your content to all interested parties… don’t come to us; we will deliver the information to you or your website.
It syndicates your content. It lets you send updated headlines and brief summaries to your subscribers. In a nutshell; it’s simply a more efficient way to get your content ‘out there’.
Many people associate RSS with Blogs or Blogging because Blogs are usually written in XML or RSS format (code like html) so that these headlines and postings can be easily read and accessed.
RSS has been around for awhile but it really didn’t catch on when users had to use RSS readers or aggregators but with the increasing popularity of MyYahoo, the Firefox Browser and Blogging…RSS is becoming: more popular, more accessible and more mainstream.
RSS feeds are the most common use for this protocol, and they allow websites to publish summaries of their content in a form that is easy for users to browse.
RSS feeds also provide a great alternative to the most common form of web content syndication, e-mail. With the massive amount of spam finding its way into the average mailbox, emailed updates of web site content are a lot less attractive (and effective) than they used to be. For web site administrators, RSS feeds provide an easy way to advertise new content on their sites without the headaches and hit-or-miss nature of mass email newsletters.
RSS feeds allow people to choose the content that they wish to view. RSS is a way of syndicating content, which means having all the information that you are interested in together in one central location.
To create an RSS feed you have two choices. First, you can code your own feed by using XML or you can consider using a software application that creates the XML for you.
You can create an RSS Feed without coding it yourself by using an easy to use software applications that can format your XML.
One example is FeedForAll.
You can also code your own RSS Feed.
Just like HTML code XML code contains open and close tags to designate the title, description and link. They are enclosed in brackets just like standard html. The close tag contains a forward slash.
The above just scratches the surface of what RSS is and can do; for example RSS also forms the basis of the software used to create many online ‘blogs’ or weblogs.
1. How do I Get My OWN RSS Feed?
First, you need to get an RSS Feed for your site. There are several ways to do this. Let’s just stick with the easiest. You can use a site like and start a Blog on your site’s topic or any topic that interests you.
Creating a blog with sites like Blogger (owned by Google) or Bloglines (recently acquired by Ask Jeeves) is quick, fast, and painless. Within minutes you can have your own blog up and running.
This Blog will also supply you with an RSS Feed that you can place on your site. Get a XML or RSS orange button and place it on your site. Link it to your RSS Feed url - this is your atom.xml link if you’re using Blogger.
You can also use a MyYahoo button so visitors can add your feed to their MyYahoo. Each time a subscriber opens their MyYahoo site; your RSS Feed will be updated.
You can also add ‘MyMsn’ and ‘Bloglines’ buttons on your site. Plus others, give your visitors every opportunity to subscribe to your RSS Feed or Blog, and you will see a marked increase in visitors to your site.
2. How Do I Place Other RSS Feeds On My Site?
Have a cool RSS Feed from your favorite site and you want to place that Feed’s content on your own site. How is it done?
It’s a lot easier than you think!
There are several ways, but we’ll again stick with the easiest way. If you just want to place headlines on your site - try a free service like and you will get a headline animator. This will display the RSS feed’s headlines with links to the content.
If you want to place other content from a feed on your site - one of the easiest ways I found is to use this free site:
This site will generate the source code (html or javascript) that you need to place into your webpages. It’s good because it gives your code in several options: Javascript, Php file, and Iframe.
Keep in mind that Search Engines cannot or don’t read javascript so if you want this daily updated content to be indexed please be aware of this.
Just take this code and add it your webpages where you want this content to go.
3. How do I place MSN Search Results Directly on My Site?
MSN has come out with their Beta Program using RSS in their search. You can now place RSS search results directly onto your website. It can enrich your site with daily updated content.
And it’s quite simple to use; just add “&format=rss” at the end of the URL in your MSN search engine query. For example, to get an RSS Feed for ‘tsunami relief’ you would use this url:
4. How do I place Yahoo Results on my site?
In Yahoo the URL would be slightly different:
Of course, in both cases you can change ‘tsunami+relief’ with the keyword or phrase of your choice to suit your website’s content.
Yahoo also has an RSS Search Directory here:
5. What are Tags? How can I use them on my site?
Tags are more or less keywords for blogs and you should take advantage of them to bring targeted traffic to your site or blog.
Tags have hit the radar lately because Technorati, which indexes 4.5 million blogs, started sorting blog posts by using tags.
They have created a folksonomy, drawing tags from different sources, mainly which sorts or groups pictures and from — where you create a tag when you bookmark a page.
Or if your blogging software supports categories; this will be recognized by Technorati as a tag.
If you want to create a ‘tag’ it’s very simple; just place this code in your blog:
<*a href=”” rel=”tag”>Computers<*/a> (remove asterisks in actual code)
and you will have created a tag for computers.
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