Alot of people prob already have heard about virtual worlds (Second Life) been there done that, have read article after article on the subject, so for you people go on to another post I'm sure you will find one of interest on my blog with such a wide subject area lol. Anyway I just had to make a post about it because some people will not, or cannot take time out of there day to day quote "busy schedules" to even install this program let alone try to figure it out past the walking,flying around or teleporting to all the different worlds Second life has, and there is alot of places to visit! Some places are actually real recreated places like a certain coffee shop in Amsterdam that is recreated exactly like the real shop! If you ever played around with The Sims game its kinda like that, but with real live people on the other end of every character including real time voice chat. Its a real live social network on steroids I guess you could say, since you can join groups, clubs ect..and even places of the darker adult nature, like Club Erotica were live Djs play real live streaming music and strippers dance half naked all around you! This was actually pretty hilarious! Check this youtube vid OMG! Second Life Escorts no way! A plumber who owned his own biz sold out to this is now a millionaire!
After the initial install which was not too bad, you arrive at beginners island (Prelude Island). Then you can either take the tutorial or skip that and ask someone for help right away that is what I did lmao. (I hate long enduring tutorials in games) but I recommend it just to make things easier in the long run. Most all the controls, and there are alot of them, are straight forward. Not everyone is eager to help newbies, but there are some staff members around for that particular purpose, you just got to find one lol. Most all people are nice on Second Life, but there are some that will try to send you attachments right away. Do not accept them until you can trust who your dealing with otherwise it could be bad news for you and your computer. Other than that for the most part its relatively safe. I did read an article though how adult predators were using Second Life as a tool to get to younger under age individuals. Since all that hit the news, Second Life has started implementing precautions for age verifications ect. cleaning up the system with extra security measures!
So the normal goes you create your bio, avatar and then work on designing your character like on the famed Tiger Woods game face, body, clothing, size the list goes on. You can actually buy stuff on here and design your own stuff and sell it for real money believe it or not! Some people are just on Second Life for that only! People actually get all caught up in this buying, selling and trading its a big part of the biz on Second Life! So if your a graphic design artist this could be a great place to make some real cash! You also can make changes to the world itself purchase some land and build a house. Building in Second Life relies on a series of menu based scripts that take some time to master. Although commands will be familiar to anyone who has used a basic design or graphics program, they aren't quite point and click! Make weapons and fight in arenas! Build a private club or something on the naughty side like a bsdm or nudist camp which btw were already on there! The possibilities are endless! With so many online there is alot of stuff already built! I spent a total of 5 hours on it before I uninstalled it cause its too much of a time killer for me, Id never get anything done lol! Not to mention the price 5-day free trial, then $14.95 a month! You've got to be kidding! I think it should be free considering all the stuff you can buy on there! I can see this in the future maturing to sophisticated levels. Google will probably buy this for there prometeus plan!
So if you never tried Second Life give it a shot you might get hooked millions do, There is not a shortage of people on this thing everyday that's for sure! I found it quite intriguing at first it has a weird unexplainable feeling to it. Kinda creepy but fun at the same time definitely an experience worth trying if you bored and looking for something different to do online. This youtube video shows some of the better graphics although it is chineese.
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