Twellow twitter search on steroids!

Launched by the same people behind the tech news site WebProNews, Twellow has indexed more than 300,000 users and sorted them into categories like programming, marketing, graphic design, and dozens of others to help you find users who list those characteristics in their Twitter biographies. There are also sub-categories, so within “Programming” you can browse users who list PHP, Ruby on Rails, or another programming skill in their bio. RSS feeds are also offered for each category and sub-category.

Beyond directory browsing, you can enter in specific search terms to find people listing certain interests. For example, search for “social media” and you may recognize the first two people in the results: Chris Brogan and Jeff Pulver.

By default, search results are sorted by number of followers, but you can also filter them by most recent activity. You can further drill down by searching within a specific category, for example, searching for “Yahoo” under the “Tech Companies” category lists many who still call themselves employees of the search engine.

So far, my Twitter experience has mostly revolved around adding friends and interesting people I come across on blogs, or simply re-following those that follow me. Twellow allows you to be proactive about finding new and interesting people to follow, and does a great job of presenting the results.

Much like Summize, who has built an excellent topical Twitter search, Twellow has built a compelling people search and social networking front-end – both features Twitter may have been better served to build on their own.

Meanwhile, if you don’t yet find yourself in the Twellow directory, you can add yourself by going here. You may also want to re-think what you list in your Twitter bio to make it easier for people to find you.

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