Dirty Electricity tech!

Now here is a neat little trick when your system is going haywire for no reason and out of the blue.

Let me give you a true story, a customer of mine had 2 computer systems in there office. One morning they come in and one of the systems wont boot, it would freeze at the bios screen when checking memory (Think memory error? wrong) Then the 2nd system had been on all night and was acting strange, internet going horribly slow, network to a crawl, programs running slow, just crazy. So they reboot the computer and guess what it freezes during boot up also.They give me a call and are all panicked that both there systems went down over night. I told them don't worry I think I know what happened.

Here what's I told them to do. Go to both systems and pull the power cord out of the back of both of them. Now with both unplugged try to turn them on. This will drain the power that is left inside of them. Now plug them back in and turn them on. And both systems booted fine and they have been good to go. Well you might ask WTF? How did that have anything to do with it? The answer:

Dirty Electricity.

When you get a power surge or other form of power corruption the electrons can mutate. Now since the systems run off the power naturally they will be affected. This is also why so many tech support places for modems, routers and the like always have you unplug the unit for 60 sec or more, they are draining the power from the box. Believe it or not half the time the problems are fixed by simply resetting the power. So as a first step trick to trying to find out why a systems hardware seems to be going crazy on you out of no where, try this trick. So for you people out there that take your computer to a repair shop but once there your system is running fine, well now you have your answer.

Since the power was unplugged and got reset by the time its at the shop everything is working fine. So add this simple yet effective little trick under your tool belt.

Via - PcWinTech


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